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Grand Teton National Park

Mercredi 7 juillet, randonnée à Surprise Lake

This morning, the weather is beautiful and we are pleased to start the Surprise Lake hike , departing from Lupine Meadows. The walk offers eight kilometers of ascent to an altitude difference of about a thousand meters. The trail climbs the foothills of Grand Teton and offers beautiful views on the broad valley of the Snake River. Our lunch break is enhanced by the visit of a band of marmots, not so wild, some of them trying approaches on our backpacks.

Up there, the snow is still present. Groups of teenagers playing on the snow fields. Behind the lake stands the majestic Grand Teton peak, alpine mountain contours lost in the Rocky Mountains.

Back on the road in late afternoon. We have an appointment the next day in Salt Lake City with the Honorary Consul to get the pass that will allow Christine to cross borders.
We stop for the night in a motel in Alpine, about 80 miles south of Grand Teton Park. it will not leave us a lasting memory.